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Augustine Wallkar begrafenis 18 augustus 1614

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Augustine Walker's mark
Augustine Walker's mark
CLAN: verzamelnaam voor 1 familie met diverse achternamen Walker
geslacht man
Volledige naam bij geboorte Augustine Wallkar

John Walker [Walker]

Kathren Bicknill [Bicknill]



geboorte van kind: Mary Walker (Johnson) [Walker]

geboorte van kind: Dorothy Walker (Grave, Symon) [Walker] begrafenis 6 maart 1606

geboorte van kind: Ann Walker (Holland) [Walker]

Huwelijk: Mary [?] † < 1596

22 februari 1564 doop EL,NH,NG: Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England

september 1583 geboorte van kind: Baldock, Hertfordshire, England, Elizabeth Walker (Warren) [Walker] * september 1583 † 12 oktober 1673

27 juni 1597 Huwelijk: Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England, Mary Stringer (Wallkar) [Stringer] doop 19 januari 1568 begrafenis 26 december 1614

19 april 1613 WILL: Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England

18 augustus 1614 begrafenis: Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England


Last Will

In the name of god amen The xixth daye of Aprill in the yeere of oure lord god .1613. and in the yeeres of the raigne of our sovraigne Lord James by the grace of god of England Fraunce and Ireland the eleventh and of Sco[tla]nd the six and fortieth kinge defender of the faith. I Augustine Walker of much Amwell in the Com of Herts: yeoma[n] now beinge in good health and of p[er]¬fect memorie thankes be unto the lorde therefore; doe make and ordayne this my last Will & Tes¬tament, in manner and forme followinge (vizt) First I com[m]end my Soule into the hands of the Allmightie god my Creator, not doubtinge to obtayne free remission of my sines by and through the death and demeryts [sic] of my saviour Christ Jesus Alsoe I bequeath my bodie to xpian buriall, to be buried in the Church or Church yearde of much Amwell aforesaide, as to my Executrix shall be best beseemeinge And as touching the disposinge of such temporall goods wherewth the lorde hath endued mee I give and bequeath them in manner and forme as followeth (vizt) First I give & bequeath Unto my daughter Elizabeth Warren wife of Richard Warren Sixteene pounds of lawefull money of England, and unto her three Children Marcy, Ann and Sarey Warren Fower pounds of like Englishe money equally betwixt them three to be devyded and to be payde unto the saide Richard Warren to the use of the saide child[ren] and the survivour or survivours of them Alsoe I give to Thomas, John, and Frauncis Holland children of Thomas Holland & of my daugh¬ter Ann his wife, Twentie shillinges apeece, And unto that Childe, whether sone or daughter, wherewth the saide Ann is now conceyved Twenty shillinges Alsoe unto her the said Ann, wife of the saide Thomas Holland, Twenty shillinges wth severall Leagacies I will to be payed unto the saide Thomas Holland the Father to the use of his afore saide Wife & Children and the survyvor of them Alsoe I give to my daughter Mary Johnson Twenty shillinges Alsoe I give to Syrnon Ad¬ams sone of Symon Adams Citizen & drap[er] of London Twentie shillinges And to Dorothie his daughter Twentie shilling[s] and a Gymmoll-Ringe of gold wch was her mothers. Which Legacyes I will shalbe payed and delyvered unto the saide Symon Adams the Father, to thuse [i.e., the use] of his saide Children The rest & reasidue of my goods and Chattels, after my debts and Leagacyes payde & my Funerall charges discharged I give and bequeath as followeth (vizt) Thone [i.e., the one] half of my saide goods & chattells unto my afore saide daughter Elizabeth and her Children, to bepayde & delyvered unto them and the survivour or survivors of them or eyther of them after the decease of Marey my wife; And the residue (vizt) the other halfe of my goods & chattells unto the saide Marey my wife Ordayninge and makeing her the the [sic] saide Marey my Wife my full sole & only Executrix of this my last Will & Testamte, Orderinge & further ordayninge, that, half of that half p[ar]t of such my goods & chattells (as after my decease) shall remayne undispoosed in the hand or possession of Mary my now Wif: shall (after her death & decease) of right be due & belonginge Unto Elizab: Warren, Wife of thafore named Rich: Warren, my daughter or to her then lawefull survyvant heire or Assigne whatsoever Alsoe I give unto Thomas Hassall Vicar of much Amwell afore saide Tenn shillinges of lawefull englishe money to preach one Sermond at my funerall in Amwell Church afore saide Alsoe unto the poore of the saide Towne of much Amwell my Will is to have given and distributed at my buriall Five shillinges And I appoynte the afore named Symon Adams thelder Cittizen and drap[er] of London to be my lawefull Overseer of this my last will and Testament, And for his paynes therein to be taken I give him Tenn shillinges In wyttnesse whereof to this my last will & Testamte contayninge Only On[e] sheete The markes of Augustine Walker and twoe lynes of paper I have here unto sett my usuall marke & seale, the daye and yeeres first above written The marke of Augustine Walker. Signed & sealed in the p[rese]nce of us whose names are hereunto subscribed Thomas Holmested Thomas Robarts John Larke 19th Feb 1613


  1. Davies, Edward - "The Marriage of Richard Warren of the Mayflower" (research), The American Genealogist 78 (April 2003), pages 81-86.

van de grootouders tot en met de kleinkinderen

John Walker
geboorte: England
Huwelijk: Kathren Bicknill , Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
Kathren Bicknill
geboorte: England
Huwelijk: John Walker , Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
== 2 ==
Margaret Walker
doop : 2 juni 1555, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
John Walker
begrafenis: 6 februari 1556, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
Michael Walker
doop : 7 september 1557, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
William Walker
doop : 13 oktober 1562, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
Henrie Walker
geboorte: 18 september 1565, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
Miles Walker
begrafenis: 2 september 1568, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
Anne Walker
doop : 8 maart 1568, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
John Walker
doop : 4 juli 1574, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
Mary Stringer (Wallkar)
doop : 19 januari 1568, Rudgwick, Sussex (England)
Huwelijk: Augustine Wallkar , Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England
WILL: 23 december 1614, Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England
begrafenis: 26 december 1614, Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England
Huwelijk: Augustine Wallkar
overlijden: < 1596, Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England
Augustine Wallkar
Huwelijk: Mary
doop EL,NH,NG: 22 februari 1564, Southam (Warwickshire), Warwickshire, England
Huwelijk: Mary Stringer (Wallkar) , Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England
WILL: 19 april 1613, Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England
begrafenis: 18 augustus 1614, Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England
== 2 ==
Richard Warren
geboorte: 1580, England
Huwelijk: Elizabeth Walker (Warren) , England
overlijden: 1628, Plymouth (Massachusetts)
Elizabeth Walker (Warren)
geboorte: september 1583, Baldock, Hertfordshire, England
Huwelijk: Richard Warren , England
overlijden: 12 oktober 1673, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
Mary Walker (Johnson)
geboorte: Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England
Edward Grave
Huwelijk: Dorothy Walker (Grave, Symon) , Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England
Dorothy Walker (Grave, Symon)
Huwelijk: Symon Adams
doop EL,NH,NG: 1573, Baldock, Hertfordshire, England
Huwelijk: Edward Grave , Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England
begrafenis: 6 maart 1606, London, England
Sarah Walker
doop EL,NH,NG: < 10 november 1622, Surrey (England), Southwark, Saint Olave Church
Huwelijk: Nathaniel Warren , Plymouth (Massachusetts)
overlijden: 24 november 1700, Plymouth (Massachusetts)
Nathaniel Warren
geboorte: 1624 ? 1625, Plymouth (Massachusetts)
Huwelijk: Sarah Walker , Plymouth (Massachusetts)
overlijden: 21 oktober 1667, Plymouth (Massachusetts)
Robert Bartlett
geboorte: 27 mei 1603, Puddletown, England
Huwelijk: Mary Warren (Bartlett) , Plymouth Colony
overlijden: 19 september 1676 ? 29 oktober 1676, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
Mary Warren (Bartlett)
geboorte: 1610, England
Huwelijk: Robert Bartlett , Plymouth Colony
overlijden: 27 maart 1683, Massachusetts
Thomas Little
Huwelijk: Anna Warren (Little) , Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
overlijden: maart 1672, Marshfield (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
Anna Warren (Little)
geboorte: 1612, England
Huwelijk: Thomas Little , Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
overlijden: > 19 februari 1676, Plymouth (Massachusetts)
John Cooke
doop EL,NH,NG: 1 januari 1607 ? 31 maart 1607, Leiden, Netherlands
Huwelijk: Sarah Warren (Cooke) , Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
WILL: 9 november 1694, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
overlijden: 23 november 1695, Dartmouth (Massachusetts)
Sarah Warren (Cooke)
geboorte: 1613, England
Huwelijk: John Cooke , Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
overlijden: 15 juli 1696, Dartmouth (Massachusetts), Province of Massachusetts Bay
Richard Church
geboorte: 1608, England
Huwelijk: Elizabeth Warren (Church) , Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
overlijden: 27 december 1668, Dedham (Massachusetts), Norfolk County (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
Elizabeth Warren (Church)
geboorte: 1616, England
Huwelijk: Richard Church , Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
overlijden: 9 maart 1670, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
Anthony Snow
Huwelijk: Abigail Warren (Snow) , Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
geboorte: 8 augustus 1692, Marshfield (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
Abigail Warren (Snow)
geboorte: 1618, England
Huwelijk: Anthony Snow , Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
overlijden: 3 januari 1693, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
Priscilla Faunce
geboorte: 1634
geboorte: 15 maart 1707, Province of Massachusetts Bay
Huwelijk: Joseph Warren
Joseph Warren
geboorte: 1627, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
geboorte: 4 mei 1689, Plymouth (Massachusetts), Plymouth Colony
Huwelijk: Priscilla Faunce
Thomas Holland
geboorte: England
John Holland
geboorte: England
Symon Adams
geboorte: England
Dorothy Adams
geboorte: England

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