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Ferdinand Friedrich Wintzingerode * 1770 † 1818

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Wiki-pagina wikipedia:ru:Винцингероде, Фердинанд Фёдорович


1770 geboorte:

1818 overlijden:



According to RoRK, the family was elevated to the dignity of baron of the Holy Roman Empire in the 15th century. The various other sources consulted, including SGDR, do not mention this title; however, the brothers Karl (in the service of Prussia) and Wilhelm (in the service of Hesse) von Wintzingerode were confirmed in (rather than granted) the title of baron by King Jerome of Westphalia, 10 July 1813. The Hessian Baron Ferdinand Friedrich (Ferdinand Fedorovich) von Wintzingerode (1770-1818) entered Russian service in 1797, according to RoRK became a Russian citizen, and was a general of the cavalry during the Napoleonic wars. It does not seem that this title was ever formally recognised in Russia, although the family appears in RoRK along with the other foreign baronial families who did have their titles recognised.

van de grootouders tot en met de kleinkinderen

== 1 ==
Ferdinand Friedrich Wintzingerode
geboorte: 1770
overlijden: 1818
== 1 ==

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